Children's Resources at the
Cranford Public Library
Capstone Interactive Kids Library
Capstone capitalizes on the use of multimedia, providing a great interactive resource to be used by teachers, parents, and students to enhance reading and reading comprehension levels.
A detailed resource from Cavendish Square Digital that features plenty of maps, drawings, and diagrams. Articles include 41 general topics and a breakout by Saurischian versus Ornithischian. Special mention to the Research Tools section and its Tree of Life, timeline, Dinosaur Hunters, Where the Fossils Are, and more.
A detailed resource from Cavendish Square Digital that discusses the origin, discovery, special characteristics, and importance of the 117 known elements, from aluminum to zirconium.
Explorers and Exploration
A detailed resource from Cavendish Square Digital that profiles many explorers who have broken new paths and offers historical, geographical and motivational perspectives on their accomplishments.
International Wildlife
A detailed resource from Cavendish Square Digital that focuses on the physical features and lifestyles of species in the animal kingdom.
Inventors and Inventions
Cavendish Square Digital makes this very easy to search by name and category of device. Searchable images include drawings, diagrams, maps, timelines, and photos.
TumbleBookLibrary is an online collection of talking picture books. Tumblebooks are created by adding animation, sound, music, and narration to existing picture books in order to produce an electronic picture book that children can read or have read to them. To access TumbleBookLibrary just enter your Cranford library card number.
World Book Online
Contains every article from the 22-volume print version of the World Book Encyclopedia, plus state-of-the art multimedia and editor-reviewed Websites.