TV and Movies at the Cranford Public Library
Digital Content Available at the Cranford Public Library
Hoopla contains nearly half a million titles from six different formats: movies, TV, music albums, e-audiobooks, e-books, and comics/graphic novels. On a mobile device, borrowed content may be temporarily downloaded and accessed offline or, in either the app or on a computer, all borrowed content may be used while connected to the Internet by streaming. To register for hoopla digital for free with your library card, please download the hoopla digital app from your Apple or Google Play store on your mobile device. If you are using a computer, go to hoopladigital.com. Please note: To register, you will need to know your library card number and PIN (Personal Identification Number). If you don't have a PIN, please contact the library at 908-709-7272. Also, if your library card is expired, or if you owe the library money or have overdue items, you will not be able to use this service.