Reciprocal Borrowing
Borrowing agreements with other libraries
LMXAC is now STELLA! STELLA is a group of 35+ libraries that allow reciprocal borrowing, holds, and shared ebook/eaudiobook usage. You can find a full list of participating libraries by clicking the button.
Middlesex Union Reciprocal Agreement Libraries (MURAL) is a group of 40 libraries in Union County and beyond. MURAL agreements allow a Cranford patron in good standing to obtain a library card at any other MURAL library.
JERSEYCat allows interlibrary loans not available through other reciprocal borrowing agreements to be obtained. Cranford patrons in good standing may send a request through the Google Form or come to the Reference Desk on the second floor to request a book unavailable through LMXAC and MURAL.
Search the catalogs of hundreds of New Jersey public and academic libraries simultaneously. JerseyCat can also be used to initiate interlibrary loan requests for books and other items the Cranford Public Library does not own.