Interlibrary Loan and Suggestions for Purchase at the Cranford Public Library
Interlibrary Loan
The library recognizes that sharing materials among libraries is an important element in the provision of library service. The library adheres to the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States and recognizes its responsibilities with respect to prevailing copyright laws. Patrons availing themselves of interlibrary loan services must also respect the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States, as well as prevailing copyright laws.
Cranford Library card holders in good standing are eligible to make interlibrary loan requests. Books, talking books, and non-print media less than six months old may not be requested through interlibrary loan. Books more than six months old owned by the library may be requested through interlibrary loan if there are as many reserve requests as copies owned by the library. The loan period for interlibrary loans is 21 days. An interlibrary loan may not be renewed. An interlibrary loan may be recalled at any time at the discretion of the lending library.
The fine for overdue interlibrary loan items is $.10 per day per item. Any expenses incurred as a result of obtaining an interlibrary loan, except shipping costs, are payable by the patron. Patrons will be made aware of such charges before an interlibrary loan request is initiated. Any charges for lost or damaged interlibrary loan materials will be those specified by the lending library. Any delay in resolving these charges will result in the suspension of borrowing privileges with respect to both interlibrary loans and materials from the library’s own collection.
A patron may have no more than ten interlibrary loans active at any one time. An interlibrary loan is considered active from the time a request is submitted by the patron until the time it is returned to the lending library.
Approved by the Cranford Public Library Board of Trustees on January 22, 2015.